#eye #eye

Hello, my name is Youvin Choi and just to briefly sum up who I am: I have been an enthusiast of Art History ever since my years in elementary school. This all began when I started paying visits more often to world-renowned museums all over the globe, starting from The Centre Le Corbusier in Swiss, Munch in Oslo, to Ko HuiDong Art Museum in Seoul, and many more. Through immersing myself in the wide variety of artworks displayed in those places, I was able to witness the enchantment that great paintings from both Western and Eastern cultures held. Out of all the celebrated artists, Kandinsky is my favorite, as he is the pioneer of abstract art and expressionism. The emotions expressed in his paintings would soothe me whenever discouraging thoughts flush over me and move me deeply. Altogether, I believe Art History is not merely a study of the past but rather something that links to the present through visual empathy.However, in the recent years with the pandemic taking over the lives of many, it’s been heartbreaking that traveling abroad has been restricted, especially because of my love for Art History and museum tours. So now, instead I often visit domestic exhibitions to satisfy my desire for art.